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DIY Mantis Enclosure Ideas

You can create a simple enclosure quite easily yourself. To start, you will need to find or make a basic enclosure that is at least 8" x 8" x 12" tall although something larger is even better.


The enclosure can be relatively simple and inexpensive. A 2 gallon mason jar can work as well as any plastic or glass container that you have that fits the size requirement. You will just need to add some screen to the top for ventilation.  Add some branches or plants inside the enclosure to give the mantis something to climb on and hold onto while molting. An old ten gallon aquarium with a screen lid works well - we have even put a divider in the middle of a ten gallon aquarium and used it to house two adult mantis.


We recommend keeping your mantis in the 32oz insect cup they came with until they are regularly taking larger prey items. In our experience, flightless fruit flies can escape from most other types of enclosures.  When you mantis is large enough to need to move out of the 32oz cup - you will either need to create a larger enclosure, or some people let them roam free on a plant or tree in their house. I know one guy who does this every year with his - and the mantis are usually so territorial that they won’t normally leave the plant you put them in.

We keep thinking we should make our own video on making simple DIY Mantis enclsoures - but haven't had a chance to do it yet. Below are some links to give you inspiration on your own enclosures.

Click Here to watch a YouTube video on setting up a basic enclosure. You could use a plastic container you found instead of the custom acrylic terrarium he uses.

Click Here for a stunning bioactive build. For those looking for an amazing enclosure (and not afraid of a challenge) this could be some great inspiration..

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